Supporting data and code for the main analyses reported in:

M.A.Just, L.Pan, V.L. Cherkassky, D.L. McMakin, C. Cha, M.K. Nock, D.Brent
Machine learning of neural representations of suicide and emotion concepts identifies suicidal youth.
Nature Human Behaviour (2017) doi:10.1038/s41562-017-0234-y

The pre-processed data (Just-NatHumBeh2017-data.tgz) can be downloaded here.
The matlab functions that perform the main analyses (Just-NatHumBeh2017-code.tgz) reported in the paper can be downloaded here.

To install the data and code on Linux system, place the downloaded .tgz files in some directory and use the following commands:

tar xzf Just-NatHumBeh2017-data.tgz
tar xzf Just-NatHumBeh2017-code.tgz

Please check the Readme file (in code directory) for the description of data structures and code.